
The National Model Codes improve with each edition thanks to contributors such as building officials, designers, suppliers, contractors, researchers, instructors, and other stakeholders including the public. Code change requests can be submitted by anyone with an interest in the Codes.

Below is an overview of how code change requests fit into the code development process, how code change requests will be managed for the 2025 and 2030 code cycles, and information on how to submit them.

Do you have a suggestion to improve one of the codes? If so, please read the detailed guidelines, which explain how to submit a code change request and the required information for submission. Each code change request must be submitted separately using the online form provided. Acknowledgement of the guidelines is mandatory to access the code change request form.

How code change requests fit into the code development process

Code change requests are one of the inputs that the CBHCC uses to inform the development of its work plan for a code cycle. Code change requests can be submitted at any time.

Once received by the CBHCC, code change requests are reviewed for alignment with the strategic priorities set for that code cycle. Code change requests that align with prioritized tasks in the current code cycle are generally advanced to code development committees for consideration. Code change requests that do no align with prioritized tasks in the current code cycle, may be considered in future code development cycles, depending on when code change requests are received relative to future work planning and the capacity of committees to take on additional development work. Code change requests requesting minor and maintenance work are considered based on available capacity.

Development of new proposed changes for the 2025 code cycle is nearly complete and new code change requests are being considered for the 2030 code cycle.

If you are interested in submitting a code change request to help inform the CBHCC’s work planning for the 2030 code cycle, please submit them by June 30, 2024. Code change requests received after June 30 will be reviewed for alignment with the strategic priorities set for the code cycle as described above.

As part of CBHCC’s work in assessing all outstanding code change requests in the system, those who submitted code change requests before 2022 that have not been considered may be asked to confirm whether they would like their request to be considered.

Submitting a code change request

Code change requests should include:

  • the existing code requirement, if applicable,
  • the reasons for the change or addition,
  • your proposed revision or new requirement,
  • supporting documentation, including any information on costs and benefits,
  • enforcement implications, and
  • the related code objectives.

Some examples of common changes include:

  • accommodating new construction techniques and systems,
  • clarifying requirements,
  • updating references to standards, and
  • proposing expansion of scope or objective.