Automatic Shutoff of Lavatory Water Flow in Public Washrooms
This proposed change removes Sentence of the NPC to eliminate the conflict with Sentence of the NBC.
Currently, a conflict exists between Sentence2.2.10.6.(5) of DivisionB of the National Plumbing Code of Canada (NPC) and Sentence3.7.2.3.(4) of DivisionB of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC).
NBC Sentence3.7.2.3.(4) allows for the manual operation of lavatories as well as automatic operation. However, NPCSentence2.2.10.6.(5) states "[e]ach lavatory in a public washroom shall be equipped with a device capable of automatically shutting off the flow of water when the lavatory is not in use."
The conflict between the NPC’s requirement for automatic shutoff of the lavatory and the NBC’s permission of optional manual operation may lead to potential confusion for Code users, who refer to the NPC and the NBC for applicable requirements for lavatories.
Eliminating NPCSentence2.2.10.6.(5) would resolve the current conflict between the provisions of the NPC and the NBC and eliminate confusion for Code users.
This proposed change would ensure that requirements in both the NBC and NPC are harmonized. It would also limit the probability that lavatory supply fittings in public washrooms would not have an integral means of stopping water flow.
NPC20 Div.B (first printing)
[], and Supply and Waste Fittings
[1] 1)Supply fittings shall conform to
[a] a)ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1, "Plumbing Supply Fittings", or
[b] b)CSA B125.3, "Plumbing fittings".
[2] 2)Except for lavatories in healthcare facilities, emergency eye washes, and emergency showers, supply fittings and individual shower heads shall have an integral means of limiting the maximum water flow rate to that specified in Table (See Note A- CHANGE A-
Table [] Water Flow Rates from Supply Fittings Forming Part of Sentence [][2] 2)
Supply Fittings
Maximum Water Flow Rate, L/min
Lavatory supply fittings
Kitchen supply fittings (except those in industrial, commercial or institutional kitchens)
Shower heads
[3] 3)An automatic compensating valve serving an individual shower head addressed in Sentence (1) shall have a water flow rate equal to or less than the shower head it serves. (See Note A- CHANGE A-
[4] 4)Where multiple shower heads installed in a public showering facility are served by one temperature control, each shower head shall be equipped with a device capable of automatically shutting off the flow of water when the shower head is not in use. (See Note A- and (5).)
[6] 6)Waste fittings shall conform to ASME A112.18.2/CSA B125.2, "Plumbing Waste Fittings".
[7] 7)Manually operated valves of NPS 4 or less for use in plumbing systems shall conform to ASME A112.4.14/CSA B125.14, "Manually Operated Valves for Use in Plumbing Systems". (See Note A- CHANGE A-
Note A- and (5)Automatic Shut-off of Water Flow.
Examples of water shut-off devices include occupant sensors and self-closing valves.
Impact analysis
There is no cost impact as the requirements were previously included in the NPC and the NBC.
Enforcement implications
Removing this conflict would lead to consistency and guide the authorities having jurisdiction when enforcing these requirements across multiple disciplines.
Who is affected
Building and plumbing officials, owners, and designers of commercial buildings.