This proposed change introduces a definition for the term “washroom” and clarifies the related terms "private use" and "public use" to align the NPC with the NBC.
Related Proposed Change(s):
PCF 1707
The following terms may create confusion when used in the context of the National Model Codes: “toilet,” “water closet” (or “WC”), “washroom,” “rest room,” and “bathroom.” Also, these terms may appear at times to have the same meaning. Although these terms are used in common language, the intended meanings as used in the Codes may differ.
To resolve the current confusion and to resolve conflicts between the National Plumbing Code of Canada (NPC) and the National Building Code of Canada (NBC), the terms “washroom”, “public washroom” and “private washroom” should be defined. The existing definitions of the terms “private use” and “public use” should also be revised to resolve conflicts between the Codes when related to actual installations.
Adding definitions for “washroom”, “public washroom” and “private washroom”, and revising the definitions for “public use” and “private use” may help to clarify the intended meanings of these terms as used in the NPC and Parts of the NBC to better support enforcement of the Codes. It was noted that definitions based on the term “washroom” (e.g., “public washroom”, “private washroom”) may better align with the NBC rather than definitions based on the term “use” (e.g., “public use”, “private use”) that currently exist in the NPC.
[] Terms
[1] 1)The words and terms in italics in this Code shall have the following meanings (an asterisk (*) following a defined word or term indicates that the definition for that word or term is taken from the NBC):
Private use(as applying to the classification of plumbing fixtures) means fixtures in residences and apartments, in private bathroomswashrooms of hotels, and in similar installations in other buildings for one family or an individual.
Private washroommeans a washroom containing plumbing fixtures intended for private use.
Public use(as applying to the classification of plumbing fixtures) means fixturesthat are not intended for private usein general washrooms of schools, gymnasiums, hotels, bars, public comfort stations and other installations where fixtures are installed so that their use is unrestricted.
Public washroommeans a washroomcontaining plumbing fixtures intended for public use.
Washroommeans a room containing at least one water closet and at least one lavatory or similarfixture for hand-washing. (See Note A-
Note A- Terms.
The fixture units of a bathroom group within a washroom may be counted in the usual manner, regardless of the presence of partitions.
Impact analysis
This proposed change would reduce conflict between the NBC and the NPC for Code users by using consistent terminology and definitions to clarify the intended meanings of commonly used terms. If approved, the proposed change could result in a larger number of existing washrooms being designated “public washrooms.” There may be increased cost in some installations, but overall the cost impact should be minor.
Enforcement implications
This proposed change would assist authorities having jurisdiction by preventing certain conflicts between the requirements of the NPC and the NBC that apply to “public washrooms” and “private washrooms.” The prescriptive plumbing requirements of the NPC, which ensure proper water and drain line sizing, would then align with the prescriptive building requirements of the NBC for required fixtures.
Aligning the requirements of both Codes supports consistent installation regardless of which discipline has priority or the order of enforcement.
Who is affected
Building officials, plumbing officials, building owners, and designers of commercial buildings.