This proposed change removes redundant cross-references to Article in Part 3 of Division B of the NBC.
Currently, several Sentences in Part 3 of Division B of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) 2020 include cross-references to the requirements for automatic sprinklers in Article in addition to references to the defined term "sprinklered." These cross-references are seen as being redundant and could be removed.
Article includes provisions that mandate
when the requirements of a referenced standard apply to a building or part of a building that is required to be sprinklered, and
which of the following three referenced standards for sprinkler systems applies:
NFPA 13, "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems,"
NFPA 13D, "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes," or
NFPA 13R, "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies."
This proposed change aims to remove redundant references within the Code wording to clarify and thereby eliminate any potential confusion as to when sprinklers are required in the NBC.
Article also presents specific rules and exceptions that apply beyond the installation and design requirements of the applicable referenced standards.
This proposed change removes redundant cross-references within the Code to eliminate any potential confusion as to when sprinklers are required by the NBC.
In combination with the defined term “sprinklered,” use of the phrase “in accordance with Article”, “in conformance with Article”, or “in accordance with Sentence” is considered unnecessary. It is seen as repeating the same requirements established by use of the defined term.
Invoking the term as defined, “Sprinklered (as applying to a building or part thereof) means that the building or part thereof is equipped with system of automatic sprinklers,” is considered sufficient for Code users to understand the application of the requirement for an automatic sprinkler system.
This proposed change would eliminate any potential confusion as to when sprinklers are required in the NBC by removing redundant cross-references within the Code.
[] of Soffits
[1] 4)The protection required by Sentence (1) for projections is permitted to be omitted if
[a] a)the fire compartments behind the window and door openings are sprinkleredin accordance with Article, and
[b] b)all rooms, including closets and bathrooms, having openings in the wall beneath the soffit are sprinklered, notwithstanding exceptions permitted in the standards referenced in Article for the installation of automatic sprinkler systems.
[] Stations
[1] 6)Where a building or part thereof is used as a distillery and the building is sprinkleredin conformance with Article, small hose (38 mm) stations are permitted to be supplied from interior sprinkler piping.
[] of Access to Exits
[1] 6)In a building that is not sprinklered throughout in accordance with Sentence, an access to exit that is part of the principal entrance serving a dance hall or a licensed beverage establishment with an occupant load more than 250 shall provide at least one half of the required exit width.
[] Entrances
[1] 2)In a building that is not sprinklered throughout in accordance with Sentence, the principal entrance serving a dance hall or a licensed beverage establishment with an occupant load more than 250 shall provide at least one half of the required exit width.
Impact analysis
This proposed change clarifies the intent of the Code by using consistent wording.
It also removes redundant cross-references to Article to eliminate potential confusion resulting from inconsistent wording. No additional costs are expected.
Enforcement implications
This proposed change is intended to clarify the intent of the requirements, which should aid in the understanding and enforcement of the Code.
Who is affected
Authorities having jurisdiction, designers and contractors.