"Alteration" is a defined term in the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) 2020 but is not currently a defined term in the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2020. The proposed changes regarding the alteration of existing buildings will use the term alteration both for the NECB and for Section 9.36. of Division B of the NBC.
If the term "alteration" were defined differently by the National Model Codes, then the Codes would be inconsistent, which could lead to misinterpretation and incorrect application of Code requirements.
This proposed change introduces "alteration" as a defined term and replicates the NBC's definition of the term in the NECB without modification. This proposed change would eliminate inconsistency and potential misinterpretation and incorrect application of the requirements for the alteration of existing buildings.
Defining the term "alteration" in the NECB would provide clarification, harmonize the NECB with the NBC and reduce confusion when applying the proposed requirements applicable to the alteration of existing buildings.
Replicating the NBC's definition of the term "alteration" without modification in the NECB would facilitate the enforcement of the proposed requirements that apply to the alteration of existing buildings.
Designers, specification writers, manufacturers, contractors, building owners and building officials.