Page: Last modified: 2024-02-16
Code Reference(s):
NBC20 Div.B 3.8.1. (first printing)
Accessibility, Visitability and Adaptability of Dwelling Units
Expanding the Scope of the Accessibility Requirements
This proposed change expands the scope of the accessibility requirements in Section 3.8. to include proposed Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5.
This change could potentially affect the following topic areas:

General information

See the summary for subject Accessibility, Visitability and Adaptability of Dwelling Units.


Technical requirements in the general area of the adaptability and visitability of dwelling units have been developed for consideration in the 2025 edition of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC). A complementary proposed change, PCF 1881, proposes to include these technical requirements in new Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5.

However, the scope of Section 3.8. (as stated in Article is currently limited to Subsections 3.8.2. and 3.8.3. The scope of Section 3.8. needs to be expanded to include proposed Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5. that address the design of dwelling units with respect to adaptability and visitability.


This proposed change expands the scope of Section 3.8. (as stated in Article to include proposed Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5.

This proposed change would allow different levels of technical requirements related to the adaptability and visitability of dwelling units to explicitly fall within the scope of Section 3.8.


NBC20 Div.B 3.8.1. (first printing)

[3.8.1.] 3.8.1. Scope


[1] 1)This Section is concerned with the barrier-free design of buildings.
[2] 2)Except as provided in Sentence (3), Bbuildings and their facilities required to be barrier-free in accordance with Subsection 3.8.2. shall be designed in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.
[3] --)Dwelling units required to comply with Sentences and (4) (PCF 1881) shall be designed in accordance with Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5.

Impact analysis

This proposed change does not, on its own, introduce any new costs because it simply expands the NBC framework to explicitly include proposed Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5. within the scope of Section 3.8. These proposed Subsections are necessary to position new technical requirements for the adaptability and visitability of dwelling units. However, the future introduction of specific technical requirements that are related to accessibility, but are beyond the scope of this proposed change, may introduce costs. These future technical requirements would be developed through separate proposed changes (with stand-alone impact analyses) that would undergo typical cross-committee coordination and public review procedures so that the members of Code committees and Code users can make informed recommendations on the progression of such proposed changes.

This proposed change is necessary to explicitly include new Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5. within the scope of Section 3.8. Enabling the NBC framework to include these proposed Subsections, which are related to the adaptable and visitable design of dwelling units, would simplify use of the NBC for Code users.

Enforcement implications

No enforcement implications are expected as a result of this proposed change, as it simply expands the scope of NBC Section 3.8. to include proposed Subsections 3.8.4. and 3.8.5.

Who is affected

This proposed change does not directly affect Code users because expanding the scope of NBC Section 3.8. does not present new technical requirements.

However, the expanded framework to consolidate the proposed requirements for the adaptable and visitable design of dwelling units (facilitated by this proposed change to the scope of Section 3.8.) should simplify use of the NBC for Code users by allowing them to find relevant accessibility requirements in stand-alone Subsections 3.8.4 and 3.8.5.


NBC20 Div.B 3.8.1. (first printing)

[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([2] 2) no attributions
[] ([2] 2) no attributions
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