Page: Last modified: 2023-10-12
Code Reference(s):
NBC20 Div.B (first printing)
HVAC Equipment Efficiency Table
New Performance Metrics for Small Single-Phase Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
This proposed change introduces new energy metrics for small single-phase air conditioners and heat pumps.
This change could potentially affect the following topic areas:


Effective January 1, 2023, the US Department of Energy (DOE) introduced a series of new energy performance metrics (EER2, SEER2 and HSPF2) in DOE 10 CFR, Part 430-2022, "Energy, Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products," that is applicable to small single-phase air-cooled air conditioners and air-source heat pumps. These metrics are similar to the previous ones (EER, SEER and HSPF), but use different test conditions that are considered to be more realistic. Larger units and three-phase models are not affected by this amendment.

With the publication of the Regulations Amending the Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (Amendment 17), SOR/2022-265, on December 7, 2022, the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (EER), SOR/2016-311, were aligned with DOE 10 CFR, Part 430-2022 by requiring the minimum performance levels to be expressed with the new metrics. As a result, a discrepancy is caused between Section 9.36. of Division B of the NBC and the EER. If manufacturers provided product labels only using the new metrics, the products available on the market could potentially have issues with conformance to the NBC.

This discrepancy will lead to gaps in the Code, and Code users will be unable to evaluate whether HVAC equipment performance complies with the NBC requirements. This, in turn, will lead to difficulties for enforcement officials when determining compliance.


This proposed change to Section 9.36. updates the reference to the 2022 amendment of DOE 10 CFR, Part 430 and introduces the new energy performance metrics. To facilitate compliance with the NBC, this proposed change maintains the alignment of the NBC with the Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (EER), as amended by SOR/2022-265 (Amendment 17).

Amendment 17 generally presents two sets of performance requirements to the EER: the first that came into force on January 1, 2023, and the second that comes into force on January 1, 2025. Considering that the NBC 2025 will be published and adopted after January 1, 2025, these requirements, where applicable, should be included in the 2025 edition of the NBC.


NBC20 Div.B (first printing)

[] Efficiency

[1] 1)HVAC equipment and components shall comply with the performance requirements stated in Table (See Note A- CHANGE A-
Table []
HVAC Equipment Performance Requirements
Forming Part of Sentences and [][1] 1)
Type of Equipment Heating or Cooling Capacity, kW Performance Testing Standard Minimum PerformancePROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (1)
Air-Cooled Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps – Electrically Operated
Single-phase air conditioners and heat pumps, split-system < 19 DOE 10 CFR, Part 430-2022, Subpart B, Appendix M1 SEER2 = 14.3PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (2)
HSPF2 V = 6PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (2)
Air conditioners and heat pumps, Ssplit-system < 19 CSA C656 SEER = 14.5
EER = 11.5
HSPF V = 7.1
Single-phase air conditioners and heat pumps, single-package system < 19 DOE 10 CFR, Part 430-2022, Subpart B, Appendix M1 SEER2 = 13.4PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (2)
HSPF V = 6.0PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (2)
Air conditioners and heat pumps, Ssingle-package system < 19 CSA C656 SEER = 14
EER = 11
HSPF V = 7.0
Heat pumps, split-system and single-package ≥ 19 See Tables to -P of Division B of the NECB
Air conditioners, all electrical phases, split-system and single-package ≥ 19 See Tables to -P of Division B of the NECB
Single-Package Vertical Air Conditioners (SPVAC) and Heat Pumps (SPVHP)
SPVAC and SPVHP in cooling mode < 19 CAN/CSA-C746 EER = 11
SPVAC and SPVHP in heating mode < 19 COPh ≥ 3.3
SPVAC and SPVHP ≥ 19 See Tables to -P of Division B of the NECB
Water-Cooled Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps – Electrically Operated
Ground-source and water-source heat pumps
open loop
≤ 40 CAN/CSA-C13256-1 COPc ≥ 4.75, COPh ≥ 3.6
closed loop
COPc ≥ 3.93, COPh ≥ 3.1
Water-to-water heat pumps
open loop
≤ 40 CAN/CSA-C13256-2 COPc ≥ 5.60, COPh ≥ 3.4
closed loop
COPc ≥ 4.21, COPh ≥ 2.8
Internal water-loop heat pumps < 5 CAN/CSA-C13256-1 COPc ≥ 3.28, COPh ≥ 4.2
≥ 5 and ≤ 40 COPc ≥ 3.52, COPh ≥ 4.2
Water-cooled air conditioners – all types < 19 ANSI/AHRI 210/240 COP = 3.54, ICOP = 3.60
≥ 19 See Tables to -P of Division B of the NECB
Direct-Expansion Ground-Source Heat Pumps – Electrically Operated
Direct-expansion ground-source heat pumps ≤ 21 CSA C748 EER = 13.0
COPh = 3.1
Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC) and Heat Pumps (PTHP)
PTAC – all types and modes All capacities See Tables to -P of Division B of the NECB
PTHP – all types and modes
Room Air Conditioners and Room Air Conditioner Heat Pumps
Louvered, without reverse cycle < 2.3 CSA C368.1 CEER ≥ 11.0
≥ 2.3 and < 4.1 CEER ≥ 10.9
≥ 4.1 and < 5.9 CEER ≥ 10.7
≥ 5.9 and < 8.2 CEER ≥ 9.4
≥ 8.2 and < 10.6 CEER ≥ 9.0
Non-louvered, without reverse cycle < 2.3 CEER ≥ 10.0
≥ 2.3 and < 3.2 CEER ≥ 9.6
≥ 3.2 and < 4.1 CEER ≥ 9.5
≥ 4.1 and < 5.9 CEER ≥ 9.3
≥ 5.9 and < 10.6 CEER ≥ 9.4
Louvered, with reverse cycle < 5.9 CEER ≥ 9.8
≥ 5.9 and < 10.6 CEER ≥ 9.3
Non-louvered, with reverse cycle < 4.1 CEER ≥ 9.3
≥ 4.1 and < 10.6 CEER ≥ 8.7
Room air conditioner, casement only All capacities CEER ≥ 9.5
Room air conditioner, casement slider All capacities CEER ≥ 10.4
Electric boilers < 88 Must be equipped with automatic water temperature controlPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (3)
Gas-fired boilersPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (4) < 88 CAN/CSA-P.2 AFUE ≥ 90%
≥ 88
and < 733
ANSI/AHRI 1500 or DOE 10 CFR, Part 431, Subpart E, Appendix A Et ≥ 83%
Oil-fired boilers < 88 CAN/CSA-P.2 AFUE ≥ 86%
≥ 88 and ≤ 733 ANSI/AHRI 1500 or DOE 10 CFR, Part 431, Subpart E, Appendix A Et ≥ 83%
Warm-Air Furnaces, Combination Warm-Air Furnace/Air-conditioning Units, Duct Furnaces and Unit Heaters
Gas-fired warm-air furnacesPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (4) ≤ 66 using single-phase electric current CAN/CSA-P.2 AFUE ≥ 95% and must be equipped with a high-efficiency constant torque or constant airflow fan motor
≤ 66, through-the- wall furnace Et ≥ 78.5%
AFUE ≥ 90%
≤ 66 using three-phase electric current ANSI Z21.47/CSA 2.3 AFUE ≥ 78% or Et ≥ 80%
> 66 and ≤ 117.23 Et ≥ 80%
Commercial gas-fired outdoor packaged furnaces (rooftop units)PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (4) > 66 and ≤ 117.23 CAN/CSA-P.8 Et ≥ 80%
Gas-fired duct furnacesPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (4) ≤ 117.23 ANSI Z83.8/CSA 2.6 Et ≥ 81%
Gas-fired unit heatersPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (4) ≤ 117.23 CAN/CSA-P.11 Et ≥ 82%
Oil-fired warm-air furnaces ≤ 66 CAN/CSA-P.2 AFUE ≥ 85%
Oil-fired duct furnaces and unit heaters CSA B140.4 Et ≥ 81%
Combined space- and water-heating systems (combos) ≤ 87.9 if boiler-based CAN/CSA-P.9,PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (5) TPF = 0.80
≤ 73.2 if based on service water heater
Integrated mechanical systems All capacities CSA P.10 OTPF = 0.85
Electric furnaces ≤ 66 No energy performance test required Must be equipped with a high-efficiency constant torque or constant airflow fan motor
Gas-fired fireplaces and stovesPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (4)
CAN/CSA-P.4.1 FE ≥ 50%, see Sentence (2)
See Sentence (2)
Solid-fuel-burning space-heating equipmentPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (8) < 500 kW output capacity EPA 40 CFR, Part 60, Subpart AAA, and Subpart QQQQ, CSA B415.1, or EN 303-5, PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (9)
Dehumidifiers ≤ 16.6 L/day CAN/CSA-C749 EF ≥ 1.35
> 16.6 and ≤ 21.3 L/day EF ≥ 1.50
> 21.3 and ≤ 25.5 L/day EF ≥ 1.60
> 25.5 and ≤ 35.5 L/day EF ≥ 1.70
> 35.5 and ≤ 87.5 L/day EF ≥ 2.50
Unitary electric resistance space heatersPROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (10) All capacities No energy performance test required
[2] 2)Natural gas and propane fireplaces shall be
[a] a)direct-vent (sealed), and
[b] b)pilot-on-demand, interrupted or intermittent ignition systems without a standing pilot light.
[3] 3)The heat source component of combined space- and service water heating systems that are not within the scope of CAN/CSA-P.9, "Test method for determining the performance of combined space and water heating systems (combos)", shall meet the performance requirements stated in Table for the applicable equipment type. (See Note A- CHANGE A-

Impact analysis

This proposed change would help Code users and authorities having jurisdiction to assess whether equipment conforms to the Code.

This proposed change is expected to be cost neutral because it simply aligns the NBC requirements with the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016.

Enforcement implications

This proposed change would facilitate enforcement since the metrics used in the NBC would align with those of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 and the US Department of Energy, Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products.

Who is affected

Designers, engineers, architects, manufacturers, builders, specification writers and building officials.


NBC20 Div.B (first printing)

[] ([1] 1) [F95,F98,F99-OE1.1]
[] ([2] 2) [F95,F98,F99-OE1.1]
[] ([3] 3) no attributions
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