Page: Last modified: 2023-10-15
Code Reference(s):
NBC20 Div.A (first printing)
NECB20 Div.A (first printing)
Defined Terms
"Existing Building" and "Heritage Building"
This proposed change introduces the defined terms "existing building" and "heritage building" in the NBC and the NECB.
This change could potentially affect the following topic areas:


Existing definitions in the NBC and the NECB do not properly distinguish between a new building constructed to meet the requirements of the current edition of the Codes and a building constructed to meet the requirements of a previous edition of the Codes. A definition of "existing building" is required to differentiate the type of building to which the requirements for an alteration apply. These requirements may include relaxations of the requirements that apply to a new building.

Exemptions from Code requirements may be provided for heritage buildings where the alteration would adversely impact the heritage value of the building. As such, a definition of "heritage building" is required to qualify this exemption.

Failure to provide definitions of these terms may lead to the incorrect application of requirements to a building.


Including a definition of "existing building" would help to clarify whether the full requirements of the Code apply to the design and construction of the alteration of a building, or whether the set of relaxed requirements permitted for existing buildings applies to the alteration.

Including a definition of "heritage building" would help to clarify which buildings may be exempted from Code requirements where an alteration may accelerate the deterioration of the building or adversely affect the operation or heritage value of the building.


NBC20 Div.A (first printing)

[] Terms

[1] 1)The words and terms in italics in this Code shall have the following meanings:
Existing buildingmeans a building that was constructed more than five years before the effective date of this Code.
Heritage buildingmeans an existing building that is formally recognized by a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal authority for its heritage value. (See Note A-

Note A- Defined Terms.

Heritage Value
The heritage value of a building represents its aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social or spiritual importance or significance for past, present or future generations. A building's heritage value is embodied in its character-defining materials, forms, locations, spatial configurations, uses and cultural associations or meanings, which must be retained in order to preserve the building's importance or significance. Further information can be found in “Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada,” available at

NECB20 Div.A (first printing)

[] Terms

[1] 1)The words and terms in italics in this Code shall have the following meanings:
Existing building*means a building that was constructed more than five years before the effective date of this Code.
Heritage building*means an existing building that is formally recognized by a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal authority for its heritage value. (See Note A-

Note A- Defined Terms.

Heritage Value
The heritage value of a building represents its aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social or spiritual importance or significance for past, present or future generations. A building's heritage value is embodied in its character-defining materials, forms, locations, spatial configurations, uses and cultural associations or meanings, which must be retained in order to preserve the building's importance or significance. Further information can be found in “Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada,” available at

Impact analysis

Providing the definition of "existing building" would provide a benefit in clarifying which requirements apply to the alteration of a building.

Providing a definition of "heritage building" would provide a benefit in clarifying which buildings may be exempted from Code requirements where application of the requirements may accelerate the deterioration of the building or adversely affect the operation or heritage value of the building.

Enforcement implications

Providing a definition of "existing building" would facilitate the enforcement of the requirements that apply to the alteration of a building by clarifying the application.

Providing a definition of "heritage building" would facilitate the enforcement of the requirements by clarifying which buildings may be exempted from Code requirements.

Who is affected

Designers, engineers, architects, building officials, manufacturers, suppliers and energy advisors.

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