Page: Last modified: 2023-12-01
Code Reference(s):
NBC20 Div.B Appendix D (first printing)
Other — Fire Protection
Introduction of References to Standards Related to Gypsum Board to Sentence D-1.5.1.(2)
This proposed change introduces references to three standards that are already referenced elsewhere in the NBC to Sentence D-1.5.1.(2), ASTM C1177/C1177M, “Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing,” ASTM C1178/C1178M, “Standard Specification for Coated Glass Mat Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Panel,” and ASTM C1658/C1658M, “Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Panels.”
This change could potentially affect the following topic areas:


Several common Type X gypsum board products are available on the market and used across Canada. However, Sentence D-1.5.1.(2) of Division B of the NBC currently references only two standards for Type X gypsum board. This results in a limited selection of Type X gypsum board products that can be used to comply with the requirements of Appendix D. If the list of gypsum board standards referenced in Sentence D-1.5.1.(2) is not updated, it will continue to limit the flexibility of design and construction.

The current edition of the NBC needs to be updated to reflect the standardized industry language and gypsum products that are currently used in Canada.


This proposed change would introduce references to three Type X gypsum board standards to Sentence D-1.5.1.(2), ASTM C1177/C1177M, “Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing,” ASTM C1178/C1178M, “Standard Specification for Coated Glass Mat Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Panel,” and ASTM C1658/C1658M, “Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Panels”. These three standards are already referenced elsewhere in the NBC 2020, and referencing them in Sentence D-1.5.1.(2) is not expected to result in any conflicts.

This proposed change would permit Type X gypsum board with glass mat facer to be used in high moisture environments where paper-faced products are not appropriate. This proposed change would also improve flexibility in the design and construction of buildings since more options would be available to Code users. 


Appendix D Fire-Performance Ratings
Footnote: This information is included for explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the requirements. The bold face reference numbers that introduce each item do not relate to specific requirements in this Division.
[D-1.] D-1. General
The content of this Appendix was prepared on the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fire Protection, which was established by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) for this purpose.
[D-1.5.] D-1.5. Gypsum Board
[D-1.5.1.] D-1.5.1.Types of Gypsum Board
[1] 1)Where the term “gypsum board” is used in this Appendix, it is intended to include—in addition to gypsum board—gypsum backing board and gypsum base for veneer plaster as described in
a)CAN/CSA A82.27-M, "Gypsum Board", or
b)ASTM C1396/C1396M, "Standard Specification for Gypsum Board".
[2] 2)Where the term “Type X gypsum board” is used in this Appendix, it applies to special fire-resistant board as described in
a)CAN/CSA A82.27-M, "Gypsum Board", or
b)ASTM C1396/C1396M, "Standard Specification for Gypsum Board".,
c)ASTM C1177/C1177M, “Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing,”
d)ASTM C1178/C1178M, “Standard Specification for Coated Glass Mat Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Panel,” or
e)ASTM C1658/C1658M, “Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Panels.
[D-2.] D-2. Fire-Resistance Ratings
[D-3.] D-3. Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications
[D-4.] D-4. Noncombustibility
[D-5.] D-5. Protection of Openings in Fire-Rated Assemblies
[D-6.] D-6. Fire Performance of Exterior Wall Assemblies
[D-7.] D-7. Background Information

Impact analysis

No additional cost are expected to be incurred as a result of adding references to these three standards to Sentence D-1.5.1.(2). The proposed change would simply add more options. Formally including more gypsum board products as desired by the construction industry will simplify enforcement and allow the use of gypsum board products that are more appropriate to the end use.

Enforcement implications

This proposed change can be enforced by the existing infrastructure. Since the three additional standards are already referenced in the NBC 2020, the industry and regulators are familiar with the products conforming to these standards. As such, no additional training is anticipated to be necessary for Code users. Formally including more gypsum board products as desired by the construction industry will simplify enforcement of the Code.

Who is affected

Builders, consumers, manufacturers, regulators, designers, contractors and building owners.


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