Page: Last modified: 2024-02-21
Code Reference(s):
NBC20 Div.B (first printing)
Energy Efficiency for Houses
Energy Conservation Points for Energy Performance Tiers 3, 4 and 5
This proposed change assigns minimum sums of energy conservation points for Energy Performance Tiers 3, 4 and 5 in the prescriptive trade-off compliance path.
This change could potentially affect the following topic areas:


The 2020 edition of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) introduced five energy performance tiers with increasing levels of improvement for buildings and houses, providing jurisdictions with the option to regulate the energy performance level that is most suitable for their needs.

The 2020 edition also introduced a prescriptive trade-off path in Subsection 9.36.8. as a new compliance option for Code users. Although performance modeling is commonly used in the industry, further development of the prescriptive trade-off compliance path for all energy performance tiers would make it simpler to achieve energy-efficiency compliance. However, there are no minimum sums of energy conservation points provided beyond Tier 2 of the prescriptive trade-off compliance path.

Failure to develop minimum sums of energy conservation points for Tiers 3, 4 and 5 of the prescriptive trade-off compliance path restricts Code users from demonstrating compliance with energy performance tiers above Tier 2 of the prescriptive trade-off compliance path, forcing Code users to use the performance-based compliance path that requires energy modeling to meet the energy-efficiency targets.


For the 2025 Code cycle, the provinces and territories have identified as a priority the improvement of energy provisions leading to the adoption of net-zero energy ready model codes by 2030. To achieve higher levels of energy performance by 2030, it is imperative to comprehensively develop the prescriptive trade-off compliance path to provide Code users with additional options for compliance.

The prescriptive trade-off path provides acceptable solutions using different energy conservation measures to improve total energy performance. Together with the tiered energy performance path in Subsection 9.36.7. of Division B of the NBC and the prescriptive path, the prescriptive trade-off path is one of the three compliance options that provide an acceptable means of achieving the performance goal of reducing energy consumption. Currently, Subsection 9.36.8. only provides a compliance option for the trade-off path up to Tier 2, which deprives Code users following this path of the ability to demonstrate compliance with Tiers 3, 4 and 5.

Updates to the energy conservation points for the existing as well as several new energy conservation measures are proposed for inclusion in the 2025 edition of the NBC. New measures are proposed for components and equipment such as drain-water heat recovery, heat-recovery ventilators, energy-recovery ventilators, oil-fired furnaces, gas-fired furnaces, air-source heat pumps, ceilings and slabs-on-grade. Stating the minimum sum of energy conservation points in Table based on new and updated measures that are required for compliance with Energy Performance Tiers 3, 4 and 5 would complete the development of the prescriptive trade-off compliance path in Subsection 9.36.8.

This proposed change specifies minimum airtightness levels for Energy Performance Tiers 3, 4 and 5. This proposed change also introduces a threshold for the minimum sum of energy conservation points that must be contributed from building envelope measures. This threshold has been set considering that the majority of building archetypes can obtain the threshold building envelope points to achieve the energy performance of the corresponding tiers. This threshold also ensures a balance between the contributed points from building envelope measures and from other measures to the minimum sum of energy conservation points for the building design.



[1] 1)Compliance with this Subsection shall be achieved by designing and constructing buildings to which this Subsection applies in accordance with Sentences (2) to (6).
[a] a)designing and constructing buildings to which this Subsection applies in accordance with one or more of the energy conservation measures prescribed in Articles to to accumulate the minimum sum of energy conservation points required to attain Energy Performance Tier 2, 3, 4 or 5 as specified in Table, and
[b] b)complying with Subsections 9.36.2. to 9.36.4., except where these requirements are specifically permitted by this Subsection to be waived (see Note A- CHANGE A-
[2] --)The requirements of Subsections 9.36.2. to 9.36.4. shall be met, except where these requirements are specifically permitted by this Subsection to be waived. (See Note A-
[3] --)Except as provided in Sentence (4), the minimum sum of energy conservation points as specified in Table shall be accumulated, by complying with one or more of the energy conservation measures prescribed in Articles to, to attain the applicable energy performance tier.
[4] --)In climate zones 7B and 8, the minimum sum of energy conservation points required to attain Energy Performance Tier 5 shall be 5 energy conservation points less than that specified in Table
[5] --)The minimum sum of energy conservation points from building envelope measures as specified in Table shall be accumulated, by complying with one or more of the energy conservation measures prescribed in Articles to and, to attain the applicable energy performance tier.
[6] --)A minimum Airtightness Level of AL-3A or AL-4B as specified in Article shall be achieved to attain Energy Performance Tiers 4 and 5.
Table []
Energy Performance Tiers
Forming Part of Clause
Energy Performance Tier Minimum Sum of Energy Conservation Points
1 PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (1)
2 10
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
Table []
Energy Performance Tiers
Forming Part of Sentences, (4) and (5)
Minimum Sum Energy Performance Tiers
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Energy conservation points PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (1) 10 20 40 75PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (2)
Energy conservation points from building envelope measures PROPOSED CHANGE Table Footnote (3) 5 10 15

Note A- Compliance Options.

The prescriptive requirements presented in Subsections 9.36.2. to 9.36.4. serve as the basis for the energy conservation measures presented in Subsection 9.36.8. Builders and designers can choose to apply one or more of the measures in order to accumulate the associated energy conservation points with a view to achieving compliance with more stringent Energy Performance Tiers. Energy conservation measures are provided only for certain building elements addressed in Subsections 9.36.2. to 9.36.4.; therefore, other building elements that comply with other Code provisions cannot be credited with any energy conservation points.

Impact analysis

This proposed change comprehensively develops the prescriptive trade-off compliance path to provide Code users with an acceptable solution that uses different energy conservation measures to improve the total energy performance.

Detailed modeling data can be found in the supporting document.


The impact analysis aims to determine all permutations of the energy conservation measure (ECM) combinations for the given building archetypes.

Constraints on the analysis:

  • No interpolation was considered
  • No oil-fired furnaces were included
  • Only ECMs for instantaneous gas and EF = 2.35 heat pumps service hot water were considered
  • Only cold climate air-source heat pumps (ccASHPs) covering 60% of load were considered. However, air-source heat pumps and equation tables were not considered.


  • Envelope assembly ECMs were costed using RSMeans (2023)
    • Windows and airtightness were costed using estimates from the Housing Technology Assessment Program/Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (HTAP/LEEP)
    • Adjusted by the Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI) (assumed to be 41%)
  • Service water heating systems estimated from HTAP/LEEP
    • Adjusted by IPPI (assumed to be 41%)
  • Drain-water heat-recovery costing data from Table 1 in PCF 1835
    • Installation costs estimated from HTAP/LEEP (adjusted for inflation using IPPI)
  • Heat-recovery ventilator/energy-recovery ventilator (HRV/ERV) costing data from Table 4 in PCF 1838

Building Archetypes

Table 1 shows the packages from four building archetypes that were considered in the impact analysis.

Table 1. Building Archetypes Considered in the Impact Analysis
Archetype ERS-5213 ERS-7972 ERS-4943 ERS-1605
Type Detached Row house end unit Detached Double/semi-detached
Volume, m3 664 451 112 193
Storeys 2 2 1.5 1
Floor area, ft2 2 400 2 370 470 580
Foundation Full basement Full basement Slab-on-grade Slab-on-grade

Incremental Costs

Tables 2 to 4 show the incremental costs for single detached archetype (> 300 m3) packages for various tiers in different climate zones.

Table 2. Incremental Costs for Single Detached Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages for Tier 3 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NG instantaneous 2.97 40% 3.46 NA 2.0 20.5 5.2 $3,700
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NG instantaneous 2.97 40% 3.46 NA NA 20.5 5.2 $3,700
5 Lowest cost 80% SRE NA NG instantaneous NA 60% 3.09 NA 1.5 20.0 6.5 $4,560
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA 50% 3.09 0.94 NA 20.1 13.6 $4,760
6 Lowest cost 70% SRE NA NA NA 60% NA 1.05 2.0 20.0 12.3 $4,450
Lowest cost – no airtightness 70% SRE NA NA NA 60% NA 0.82 NA 20.1 12.4 $4,540
7A Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 1.5 20.2 16.5 $4,410
Lowest cost – no airtightness 70% SRE NA NA NA 60% NA 0.82 NA 20.3 12.6 $4,540
7B Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA 60% NA NA 1.0 20.2 12.9 $3,800
Lowest cost – no airtightness 80% SRE NA NA 3.96 60% 3.90 0.82 NA 20.0 11.6 $4,650
8 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA 40% NA NA 1.0 20.4 14.7 $3,600
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NG instantaneous 3.96 60% NA 0.82 NA 20.0 10.4 $5,320

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 3. Incremental Costs for Single Detached Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages for Tier 4 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 2.97 60% 2.98 0.82 1.5 40 22.8 $10,210
5 Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 3.69 50% 3.09 0.94 1 40 27.5 $11,240
6 Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 3.69 60% 3.09 0.82 1 40 27.4 $10,910
7A Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 3.85 60% NA 0.82 1 40 29.2 $11,310
7B Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 4.84 60% 3.90 0.82 1 40.0 25.8 $11,750
8 Lowest cost 80% NA NG instantaneous 4.29 50% NA 0.82 0.6 40.1 30.9 $11,440

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 4. Incremental Costs for Single Detached Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages for Tier 5 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 2.97 60% 3.09 0.94 1 75 23.5 $21,200
5 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 3.69 50% NA 0.82 1 75.2 29.1 $22,250
6 Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 7.6

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 3.69 60% 3.9 0.82 1 75.1 28.7 $23,830
7A Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 4.84 60% 3.9 0.82 1 75.1 34.2 $25,550
7B Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 4.4 60% 3.9 0.82 0.6 70.3 30.3 $23,990
8 Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 9.6

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 5.45 70% NA 0.82 0.6 70.1 35 $31,910

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Tables 5 to 7 show the incremental costs for row house end unit archetype (> 300 m3) packages for various tiers in different climate zones.

Table 5. Incremental Costs for Row House End Unit Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages for Tier 3 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA 2.98 0.94 2.5 20.2 16.9 $1,690
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA 3.09 0.82 NA 20.0 16.7 $1,710
5 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 0.94 2.5 20.2 16.6 $1,470
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA 3.09 0.82 NA 20.1 16.5 $1,670
6 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA 3.46 1.05 2.0 20.1 16.5 $1,260
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA 50% 3.90 0.82 NA 20.5 13.9 $1,960
7A Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 2.0 20.2 16.5 $1,150
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA 60% 3.90 0.82 NA 20.5 13.3 $2,010
7B Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 0.94 2.0 20.4 16.5 $1,070
Lowest cost – no airtightness 80% SRE NA NA 3.96 60% 3.90 0.82 NA 20.0 11.6 $2,420
8 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 0.94 2.0 21.0 17.4 $1,070
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NG instantaneous 3.96 60% NA 0.82 NA 20.0 10.4 $3,330

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 6. Incremental Costs for Row House End Unit Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages for Tier 4 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% NA NG instantaneous NA 60% 3.46 0.82 1.5 40.2 23.6 $5,460
5 Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 3.69 NA 3.90 0.82 1.5 40 30.4 $6,140
6 Lowest cost 60% NA NG instantaneous 3.69 50% 3.90 0.82 1.5 40.1 28.6 $6,240
7A Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 3.69 60% 3.90 0.82 1.5 40 29.2 $6,490
7B Lowest cost 80% NA NA 4.84 60% 3.90 0.82 1.0 40.1 31.7 $7,550
8 Lowest cost 70% NA NG instantaneous 3.96 50% NA 0.82 1.0 40.0 30.0 $7,260

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 7. Incremental Costs for Row House End Unit Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages for Tier 5 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 2.97 50% 3.46 0.82 1.5 75.3 25.6 $15,290
5 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 3.69 50% NA 0.82 1.5 75.2 29.1 $15,780
6 Lowest cost 70%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 4.29 60% 3.90 0.82 1.5 75.4 31.5 $17,380
7A Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 4.84 60% 3.90 0.82 1.5 75.2 34.3 $18,650
7B Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 4.29 50% 3.90 0.82 1.0 70.0 30.5 $18,200
8 Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 5.45 60% NA 0.82 0.6 70.1 40 $23,730

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Tables 8 to 10 show the incremental costs for single detached archetype (≤ 300 m3) packages for various tiers in different climate zones.

Table 8. Incremental Costs for Single Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages for Tier 3 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.2 6.9 $670
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.2 6.9 $670
5 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.6 7.0 $350
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.6 7.0 $350
6 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 22.4 8.8 $610
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 22.4 8.8 $610
7A Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 22.6 8.9 $610
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 22.6 8.9 $610
7B Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 20.0 6.1 $420
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 20.0 6.1 $420
8 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 0.94 NA 21.5 7.8 $540
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 0.94 NA 21.5 7.8 $540

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 9. Incremental Costs for Single Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages for Tier 4 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% NA NG instantaneous NA NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.5 18.3 $3,320
5 Lowest cost 70% NA NA 3.96 NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.0 25.8 $2,960
6 Lowest cost 60% NA NA 4.29 NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.1 26.5 $3,350
7A Lowest cost 70% NA NA 3.96 NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.2 26.0 $3,090
7B Lowest cost 70% NA NA 4.40 NA NA 0.82 1.0 40.3 25.8 $3,570
8 Lowest cost 60% NA NA 4.29 NA NA 0.82 1.0 40.5 26.8 $3,220

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 10. Incremental Costs for Single Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages for Tier 5 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR Slab on grade Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 2.97 NA NA 0.82 1.5 76.3 20.3 $13,210
5 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 3.69 NA 2.84 0.82 1.5 75.0 26.6 $12,830
6 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 7.6

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 3.85 NA 2.84 0.82 1.5 75.0 25.2 $14,010
7A Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 4.40 NA NA 0.82 1.0 75.0 31.8 $14,110
7B Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 4.84 NA NA 0.82 1.0 70.0 27.6 $13,470
8 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous 5.01 NA NA 0.82 0.6 70.0 33.6 $17,360

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Tables 11 to 13 show the incremental costs for double/semi-detached archetype (≤ 300 m3) packages for various tiers in different climate zones.

Table 11. Incremental Costs for Double/Semi-Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages for Tier 3 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.2 6.9 $590
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.2 6.9 $590
5 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.0 20.0 6.4 $350
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.22 NA 20.6 7.0 $590
6 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.0 20.5 6.9 $350
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 22.4 8.8 $530
7A Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.0 21.3 7.6 $350
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 22.6 8.9 $530
7B Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.0 22.4 8.5 $350
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 1.05 NA 20.0 6.1 $370
8 Lowest cost 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.0 23.3 9.6 $350
Lowest cost – no airtightness 60% SRE NA NA NA NA NA 0.94 NA 21.5 7.8 $470

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 12. Incremental Costs for Double/Semi-Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages for Tier 4 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60% NA NG instantaneous NA NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.0 26.7 $3,710
5 Lowest cost 70% NA NA 3.69 NA NA 0.94 1.5 40.9 27.3 $3,180
6 Lowest cost 60% NA NA 3.69 NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.7 27.1 $3,080
7A Lowest cost 60% NA NA 3.69 NA NA 0.94 1.5 40.3 26.6 $2,960
7B Lowest cost 70% NA  NA 4.40 NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.1 25.7 $3,030
8 Lowest cost 60% NA NA 4.29 NA NA 0.82 1.5 40.3 26.6 $2,680

Notes to Table: 

ACH = air change per hour; AG = above-ground; BG = below-ground; DWHR = drain-water heat recovery; NG = natural gas

Table 13. Incremental Costs for Double/Semi-Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages for Tier 5 by Climate Zone
Zone Package Ventilation ECM Space Conditioning Hot Water ECM AG Walls RSI DWHR BG Walls RSI Fenestration U-Value ACH @ 50 PA Total Points Envelope Points Incremental Cost
4 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NG instantaneous NA NA NA 0.82 1.5 76.4 20.4 $13,470
5 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 3.69 NA NA 0.94 1.5 75.1 27.3 $12,740
6 Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 4.40 NA NA 0.82 1.5 75.3 30.4 $13,620
7A Lowest cost 60%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 4.40 NA NA 0.82 1.5 75.1 31.9 $13,550
7B Lowest cost 70%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 4.73 NA NA 0.82 1.5 70.0 27.1 $12,980
8 Lowest cost 80%


HSPF2 V 6.7

60% load cover

NA 5.45 NA NA 0.82 1.0 70.0 35.8 $16,430

Table 14 shows the climate zones by region.

Table 14. Climate Zones by Region


Table 15 shows the lowest incremental cost for single detached archetype packages by region.

Table 15. Lowest Incremental Cost for Single Detached Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages by Region ($)
Region Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
BC 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 21,200–31,910
AB 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 22,250–31,910
SK and MB 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 23,830–31,910
ON 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 23,830–31,910
QC 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 23,830–31,910
Atlantic Canada 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 23,830–31,910
Northern Canada 3,600–5,320 8,390–11,310 23,830–31,910

Table 16 shows the lowest incremental cost for row house end unit archetype packages by region.

Table 16. Lowest Incremental Cost for Row House End Unit Archetype (> 300 m3) Packages by Region ($)
Region Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
BC 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 15,290–23,730
AB 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 15,780–23,730
SK and MB 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 17,380–23,730
ON 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 17,380–23,730
QC 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 17,380–23,730
Atlantic Canada 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 17,380–23,730
Northern Canada 1,070–3,330 4,900–6,490 17,380–23,730

Table 17 shows the lowest incremental cost for single detached archetype packages by region.

Table 17. Lowest Incremental Cost for Single Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages by Region ($)
Region Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
BC 350–670 2,960–3,570 12,830–17,360
AB 420–610 3,090–3,570 13,470–17,360
SK and MB 420–610 3,090–3,570 13,470–17,360
ON 350–610 2,960–3,570 12,830–17,360
QC 420–610 3,090–3,570 13,470–17,360
Atlantic Canada 350–610 2,960–3,570 12,830–17,360
Northern Canada 420–540 3,220–3,570 13,470–17,360

Table 18 shows the lowest incremental cost for double/semi-detached archetype packages by region.

Table 18. Lowest Incremental Cost for Double/Semi-Detached Archetype (≤ 300 m3) Packages by Region ($)
Region Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
BC 350–590 2,680–3,710 12,740–16,430
AB 350–530 2,680–3,080 12,980–16,430
SK and MB 350–530 2,680–3,080 12,980–16,430
ON 350–590 2,680–3,180 12,740–16,430
QC 350–530 2,680–3,080 12,980–16,430
Atlantic Canada 350–590 2,680–3,180 12,740–16,430
Northern Canada 350–470 2,680–3,030 12,980–16,430

Enforcement implications

This proposed change could be enforced by the existing Code enforcement infrastructure.

Who is affected

Designers, engineers, architects, builders and building officials.

Supporting Document(s)


[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([1] 1) [F90,F91,F92,F93,F95,F96,F98,F99,F100-OE1.1]
[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([1] 1) [F95-OE1.1]
[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([1] 1) [F90,F91,F92,F93,F95-OE1.1]
[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([1] 1) [F90,F91,F92,F93,F95-OE1.1]
[] ([1] 1) no attributions
[] ([1] 1) [F90,F91,F92,F93,F95-OE1.1]
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