Attend as an observer

The CBHCC typically meets in public 4 times a year. Meetings of code development committees, task groups, and the Advisory Council on Harmonized Construction Codes are normally open to the public. The CBHCC meets in-camera as needed.

If you wish to observe an in-person public meeting, please notify the CBHCC at least two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting so that seating can be provided.

Participation in committee discussions is normally limited to committee members and assigned staff; however, guests may participate in discussions at the discretion of the Chair. To observe or participate in a meeting, send requests to the CBHCC.


Observers may:

  • submit a written brief to be distributed to all committee members,
  • request time in the agenda for a brief presentation, and
  • request permission to participate in the discussion on a particular subject.

People wishing to make a presentation to a meeting on a particular subject must notify the CBHCC in writing at least four (4) weeks before the meeting, describing the nature and scope of the subject to be addressed, stating the desired length of time needed to make the presentation, and providing a written copy of material to be presented.

A presentation request may be approved, declined or deferred based on the subject’s relevance to the group’s responsibilities and work. When such a request is approved, Codes Canada team will schedule the presentation to suit the agenda, set a time period for the presentation and related discussion, and advise the requester.