
The Harmonized Code Development System accepts requests to review recommendations to publish changes to the Codes, developed by national model codes committees or minor task working groups reporting directly to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), on grounds that the code development process was not followed.


Decisions of the Canadian Table for Harmonized Construction Codes Policy and the CBHCC are not subject to review.



The CBHCC Secretary receives process review requests. Requests must be received in writing:

  • within fifteen business days of a meeting where the recommendation to publish changes to the code were finalized by a national model codes committee, or
  • within fifteen business days of a public CBHCC meeting where the recommendation to publish changes to the code as finalized by a minor task working group reporting directly to the CBHCC are presented.


Initial review

Codes Canada reviews the request to ascertain whether it is complete. A complete request refers to an allegation that a national model code committee or minor task working group did not follow the code development process in establishing a recommendation to publish changes to the codes, and that the request was received within the timeframe described above. Code Canada prepares a summary of the circumstances surrounding the allegation. The request and summary are considered by the Co-Chairs of the CBHCC who take the following action:

  • if the request does not meet the criteria for consideration, then it is returned to the requester with an explanation; or
  • if the request meets the criteria for consideration, then the Co-Chairs, or a designated person from the Codes Canada staff, attempt to reach a timely resolution with the requester. Failing a resolution, the Co-Chairs may identify a group of members from the CBHCC to review the request.
Process review

With support from Codes Canada staff, the group of members from the CBHCC reviews the request and prepares a recommendation to the CBHCC on whether the documented code development process was followed.


The CBHCC considers the recommendation (in-camera meeting) and agrees to a resolution on the process review. The decision, including a summary report, is shared with the requester and responsible committee(s).