Proposed changes to the National Model Codes provisions are developed by the National Model Code Committees (NMCCs) in accordance with the CBHCC’s approved work plan. For more information on the code development process, visit the Code development process page.
The current code development committees include:
NMCC on Climate Change Adaptation
Subject to CBHCC direction on the role of the codes on aspects of climate resilience, the work of the NMCC on Climate Change Adaptation is to develop requirements in response to the changing climate in the areas of overheating, extreme winds, permafrost zones, and flood-resistant design in buildings for the National Model Codes.
The CBHCC is also considering the potential role of the National Model Codes in addressing wildland urban interface (wildfires) and durability and resistance to deterioration.
NMCC on Harmonization of Alterations to Existing Buildings
The work of the NMCC on Harmonization of Alteration of Existing Buildings is to expand Part 10 of the National Building Code of Canada, Part 13 of the National Energy Code for Buildings, and to add a new section in the National Plumbing Code, incorporating relevant Provincial and Territorial provisions and integrating them into the framework used in the National Model Codes.
NMCC on Accessibility
The work of the NMCC on Accessibility is to develop code changes related to provisions for accessibility in buildings and houses in the National Model Codes.
NMCC on Climatic Data
The work of the NMCC on Climatic Data is to update climatic data in Table C-2 of Appendix C in the National Building Code and in Table C-1 of Appendix C in the National Energy Code for Buildings.
NMCC on Harmonization
The work of the NMCC on Harmonization is to harmonize the National Model Codes with specific provincial and territorial code variations .
NMCC on Performance-Based Solutions
The work of the NMCC on Performance-Based Solutions is to develop new performance-based solutions, alongside existing prescriptive provisions relating to earthquake design, egress, and fire protection, for the National Model Codes.
NMCC on Referenced Documents
The work of the NMCC on Referenced Documents is to update the list of standards and documents referenced in the National Model Codes.
NMCC on Indoor Environment
The work of the NMCC on Indoor Environment is to develop provisions to address and mitigate risks in the indoor environment of new and existing buildings, such as legionella, radon ingress, and aerosol pathogens through the design and construction of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and plumbing systems in the National Model Codes.
NMCC on Seismicity
The work of the NMCC on Seismicity is to consider potential updates to seismic hazard values and clarification to the determination of in situ soil properties.
NMCC on Climate Change Mitigation
The work of the NMCC on Climate Change Mitigation is to complete work undertaken in the previous code cycle by expanding operational greenhouse gas emission (GHGe) and energy efficiency requirements applicable to new and existing buildings and houses, and to develop new requirements to minimize excessive embodied GHGe for new Part 3 and Part 9 buildings in the National Model Codes.
NMCC on Fire and Life Safety
The work of the NMCC on Fire and Life Safety is to develop proposed code changes to the National Model Codes to address fire and life safety risks in order to safeguard buildings, occupants and firefighters when performing their duties.
NMCC on Housing Supply
The work of the NMCC on Housing Supply is to develop proposed provisions for innovative construction methodologies that will enable additional construction options for housing in the National Model Codes including modular housing, building relocation, and tiny homes.
Standing Codes Coordinating Committee
The work of the Standing Codes Coordination Committee (SCCC) is to coordinate code development activities across code development committees and conduct cumulative impact analysis for proposed code changes.