
This public review is now closed.
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The 2019 national public review ran from October 22, 2019 to December 23, 2019.

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) invites Code users and stakeholders to participate in the fall 2019 public review of proposed changes to Codes Canada publications:

  • National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC)
  • National Fire Code of Canada 2015 (NFC)
  • National Plumbing Code of Canada 2015 (NPC)

The purpose of this public review is to:

  • provide Code users and stakeholders with a detailed look at proposed technical changes and
  • seek comment on each proposed technical change as to whether it should be approved, altered, or rejected.

The public review closed at 4 pm PST on December 23, 2019, after which comments will no longer be accepted. The relevant committees of the CCBFC will review every comment that was received up to that date. The committees will then either withdraw the proposed change; recommend that it be reviewed further for possible re-submission in revised form in a future public review; or recommend that it be approved by the CCBFC, with or without modification. If approved by the CCBFC, the technical changes will be published in the 2020 editions of Codes Canada publications.

National Building Code of Canada

Encapsulated Mass Timber Construction (Part 3 and Appendix D)

Adds a new method of calculating fire-resistance ratings for mass timber elements to Appendix D. Adds a reference to a test for the evaluation of encapsulation materials and assemblies of materials for the protection of structural mass timber elements.

Safety Glazing (Part 3 and Part 9)

Introduces requirements for safety glazing in areas where human impact is possible in assembly occupancies, and in shower and bathtub enclosures regulated by Part 3 and Part 9.

Grab Bars in Bathtubs and Showers (Part 3 and Part 9)

Expands the requirement to install grab bars, which is currently limited to bathtubs in hotels and motels, to include bathtubs, bathtub/shower combinations and standalone showers in all occupancies without exception.

Snow Loads for Roofs with Solar Panels (Part 4)

Introduces requirements for the determination of design snow loads for roofs with solar panels to help designers account for the effects of the installation of solar panels in the design of roofs and to help ensure that they are installed safely.

Snow Loads in High Roof Steps and on Canopies (Part 4)

Introduces a formula to address snow drift loads in high roof steps and on canopies where the difference in elevation between the lower roof or canopy surface and the top of the parapet on the upper roof is large, which applies to lower roofs and canopies of any size.

Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Construction (Part 9)

Expands the use of ICF construction to all types of Part 9 buildings up to 2 storeys in building height.

Climatic Data: Wind (Appendix C)

Updates the wind data in Table C-2 of Appendix C to reflect the most up-to-date observed data and recent climate trends, and revises the explanatory material in Appendix C accordingly.

National Fire Code of Canada

Water-Miscible Liquids (Part 4)

Introduces classifications for five widely used water-miscible liquid mixtures (mixtures of methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetone or acetic acid and water) to better assess the appropriate fire safety measures for these mixtures.

Fuel-Dispensing Stations (Part 4)

Clarifies the requirements for attendants at fuel-dispensing stations that offer both attended service and self-service. Removes the potential for confusion about the location of emergency shut-off devices for fuel-dispensing pumps.

National Plumbing Code of Canada

Water-Use Efficiency

Updates the exceptions for service connections to allow waste water and rainwater to be diverted to non-potable water systems for consistency with proposed updated requirements for non-potable water systems and proposed new requirements for non-potable rainwater harvesting systems.

Water Temperature Control

Introduces a reduced maximum temperature for water discharging from a shower head or into a bathtub in health care facilities and seniors’ residences. Requires the use of a temperature-limiting device or an automatic compensating valve to control the temperature of water discharging from all types of shower heads, as well as bathtubs.

Ingress of Soil Gases

Introduces a requirement that a sump or tank receiving subsurface water from a subsoil drainage pipe be provided with a water- and air-tight cover to minimize the ingress of soil gases, such as radon, into the building.


Extends the prohibition on the use of copper tube to all urinals. Introduces new plumbing materials, including cellular core PVC pipe, fibrocement pipe, and their fittings.

Materials and Equipment

Clarifies that floor-mounted water closets can be attached to either the floor or floor flange, and clarifies the method of attachment of wall-mounted water closets. Introduces performance requirements for anti-siphon fill valves for water closet tanks and for direct flush valves. Introduces performance requirements for manually operated valves and for flexible water connectors that address the health hazard of exposure to lead from such valves and connectors.

Potable Water Systems

Introduces requirements for wetted plumbing products that address the protection of drinking water from contamination by chemicals or impurities.

Non-Potable Water in Health Care Facilities

Prohibits the use of non-potable water systems to supply fixtures (water closets and urinals) in health care facilities.

Drainage Systems

Requires that a drain pipe that is directly connected to multiple fixture outlet pipes or a fixture drain be located within a single room or suite. Removes the minimum size for branch and building drains serving three or more water closets and the minimum size for soil-or-waste stacks serving more than six water closets. Replaces the number of shower heads with the volume of discharge from shower heads and introduces the volume of discharge from body sprays as the criteria to determine the minimum size of the outlet pipe and the minimum hydraulic load required for shower drains.

National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings

Climatic Data: Wind (Table C-1)

Updates the wind data in Table C-1 to reflect the most up-to-date observed data and recent climate trends.

To receive the proposed changes for this public review, please contact the Secretary of the CCBFC.